Journaling Spread: Head Vs. Heart

While they don’t always have to agree, ones heart and mind need to speak the same language. That has always been something that I have tried to cultivate and it shows up in many of my art journal spreads.

A few days ago I came across this journal spread I stared last May but never had finished where I was working on my struggle of listening/following my heart or my mind.

I think my plan was to journal some advice on the left, and then in the subpage son the right add my own thoughts – the ones my head rules and the ones my heart rules. 

The lady on the right is from an out of print replication version of an 1800’s Exquisite Corpse game – I have so many boxes of this game since I love using them in my journal spreads, so you may see them often in my journals.

I decided to go ahead and finish it! Below is a photo of the finished spread.

I also found this in the corner of a journal spread from a while back exploring the same subject:

Years ago on my old blog, I shared a blank spread I scanned for you to use as a start of your own Head Vs. Heart art journal spread. I wanted to share it again. You can click the image below to download a printable .pdf.

Below you can see what I did with the spread in my journal.

I hope this post, and the file I provided help you explore the language of your head and heart