My Commonplace book

I repurposed and expanded on a 2014 post from my old blog (besottment) after looking though my commonplace book recently and shared it on instagram and got some questions.

I have always kept a commonplace book since before I can remember, I used to fill old composition books with snippets I would find in the world that inspired me, I just did not know the same for it.
I was on a trip to LA back in 2014 and while exploring Venice Beach with a friend, I discovered and splurged on a a new journal. This journal is made by Le Labo Fragrances in conjunction with La Compagnie du Kraft. They are made in France and have Le Labo’s most popular scent infused on the pages.
I have long admired these notebooks (the leather ones are amazing) and fell in love with it when I saw it in the Venice Beach Le Labo, but the price tag had me hesitating. Then, the shop girl brought out her notebook she has been using for awhile to show me how well it ages… I snapped a photo with my phone:

I was sold.
Since it was such a special purchase, I decided to use the journal for something that will be with me for ages.
I decided to use it as a commonplace book, or at least my version of one. Years ago on I found this description of what a commonplace book is:
“Since the Renaissance, devoted readers have been copying their favorite poems and quotations into notebooks to form their own personal anthologies called commonplace books.”

Usually used for poems, snippets of text, etc – I use mine for words I find and love (which I call word harvests), quotes, and snippets – but also visual snippets. Logos I love, packaging, magazine snips, labels, etc. I consider it almost like an analog Pinterest that I started before the site came around.

All things I love, that I add as I find them…

Do you keep a commonplace book? If you are interested in learning more about them, THIS post is quite helpful. I also found this more recent (2021) post that talks about them as well. But don’t let anyone else’s rules confine you, it is your book to love and add too. I love flipping back through the pages and seeing what inspired me and spoke to me in the past that still resonates with me today. I still add to it, so it is getting really full, but I love that about it.
If you have a commonplace book and wish to share, leave a comment and link!
Michelle Geller
Is that friend me? 🥰 That was such as good trip and I still have and use my Le Labo journal!
Yes it was!! ❤️ I had such fond memories looking though the photos of that day to find the journal!
Michelle Geller