Interactive Heart Journal Spread
I journal a lot about love and being true to your heart while exploring my the map of my inner self. I also love making my journal spreads interactive with things like sub-pages, flaps, panels, etc. I wanted to share some photos of this spread I made a while back where I made an interactive heart page.
The photo above shows the spread as it is when you open the journal and see the first page of the sub-page heart.
How I created this was that I drew a heart on the journal, spanning the seem of the page. I than took some old paper (I love the paper from books published in the 1800’s) and glued a dyed coffee filter on to it. I love using dyed coffee filters (seen below) in my spreads because I love the texture when adhered with a glue stick, and I love how my Rose Red Copic looks written on them.
I then took a dyed coffee liner / old paper and traced the heart and cut it down to the same size. I then stitched the heart I just created into the journal over the heart I had drawn on the page.
I used some heart washi tape to reinforce the seams since I planned to flip them back and forth often. I then added a small glassine envelope to represent that secret spot in my heart where I keep certain memories and write them down and placed them in the envelope. I then started journaling on the page as usual!
The photos above are ones I took trying to capture the heart sub-page pages best so you can see how it works.
I hope you enjoyed this peek into one of my art journal spreads!